  • Synchronization

Share a budget with your family or colleagues

Several users can work with a single database file and sync changes over the Internet or local network.

Automatic synchronization

Enable automatic synchronization in the app settings, then send the database file to your family or colleagues (e.g via email). To make a copy of your database file click main menu - File - Save As. All changes they're making in their copy will appear on your computer within a few seconds and vice versa.
You can also download your file from the cloud, if corresponding option is set in the sync settings (main menu - File - Download from cloud). In this case in the cloud will be several copies of the database file for the last 30 days. In another case database file won't be uploaded to cloud and current changes only will be transferred.
If changes aren't appear automatically click Sync now button. In the sync settings also check that file name and account are the same on all devices and "Automatic sync" option is enabled.

Shared file in a cloud or network folder

Put your database file in a shared network folder or in a cloud. Install the corresponding cloud client app (Google Drive, OneDrive, etc) and cloud contents will appear on your PC like ordinary folder. Then work with the file as usual: double click to open it and all changes made from different devices will be merged in one file and will appear in the program within a few minutes.