Press releases

Track family budget and expences with Alzex Personal Finance

December 15, 2009: ALZEX software announces the 20% discount on any edition of Personal Finances till the end of 2010. This convenient application for home users facilitates family budget management, supporting multiple categories and subcategories of income sources and expense items. Besides, the categories can also be grouped by family members, so that it is extremely simple to track finances and trim family budget. The scheduler provides the opportunity to track expected income and costs and to estimate the future state of family budget.

It is quite feasible to reduce costs without too much self-restriction. Actually, it is enough to know exactly what the money is spent on, and cutting down unimportant expenses will go quite smoothly. Personal Finances is one of the most convenient solutions for managing personal or family budget effectively, as it is designed with both novice and professional users in mind, thus combining clear interface and enriched functionality.

The main advantage of Personal Finances consists in the ability to create categories and subcategories of income and expenses. Moreover, they can be grouped by family members and assigned with special tags in order to provide the general idea as well as the details of family expenses. The tree of categories is extremely easy to handle. Another feature is that the user can create an unlimited number of accounts (credit card, checking account, cash, etc.) and specify the properties for each of them: name, currency, initial balance, and a corresponding icon.

It should be noted that Personal Finances features a scheduler for the user to enter not only the current transactions, but also the scheduled ones. Every transaction entry contains its name, the information on the amount, the category and the date. The scheduled transactions appear on the calendar and on the "due” list. There are also options, which automatically record recurring transactions or facilitate recording of frequent ones. Personal Finances is a real time saver!

In addition to aforesaid features, there are other useful ones, but it is impossible to name them all. For instance, the program displays the state of family budget in convenient graphs and charts. Besides, the user can set a spending limit for each expense item, category or sub-category. As for the calendar, it groups the transactions by their dates and includes the due transactions, thus serving as a reminder. If the user would like to protect the financial data, Personal Finances supports password protection.


  • Unlimited number of different accounts, currencies, categories and sub categories
  • Transaction scheduler
  • Automation of recurrent transactions
  • Family budget
  • QExpence option facilitating frequent transactions
  • Custom fields
  • Ability to group transactions by categories or family members
  • Chart reports
  • Password protection


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